Porter Mount Slamet, Trip and Mount Slamet info via Dipajaya 3428 meters above sea level, Pemalang

Lapar Saat Mendaki? Intip Tips Cara Memasak Nasi di Gunung

Lapar Saat Mendaki? Intip Tips Cara Memasak Nasi di Gunung

Pernah alami lapar saat mendaki karena masakanmu tak kunjung matang dengan benar? Yuk, intip tips salah seorang #PendakiCantik tetang cara memasak nasi di gunung.

Hey, Pendaki Cantik! Pernah alami lapar saat mendaki karena nasi masakanmu tak kunjung matang dengan benar? Yuk, intip tips dari salah seorang #PendakiCantik tentang cara memasak nasi di gunung. Semoga di lain pendakian, nasi hasil masakanmu dapat terhidang dengan sempurna.

Sebelumnya, di tips persiapan mendaki untuk pendaki pemula, telah sempat disinggung bahwa kegiatan mendaki gunung membutuhkan ketahanan fisik dan stamina yang kuat. Fisik dan stamina itu diantaranya diperoleh dari makan dan istirahat yang cukup. Nah, di alam liar, agar bisa makan (nasi), kita tentunya harus masak. Dan ternyata, memasak nasi di alam terbuka itu punya tantangan tersendiri lho.

Mengapa? Karena beras akan sulit matang menjadi nasi di daerah dataran tinggi. Ini karena tekanan udara di daerah dataran tinggi lebih rendah dibanding dengan tekanan udara di daerah dataran rendah. Jika demikan, bagaimana cara memasak di alam bebas seperti itu? Jangan bingung, simak tips lengkapnya.

1. Siapkan nesting, kompor, portable, gas
Selain kompor, kamu juga bisa memasak menggunakan paraffine atau kayu bakar. Lalu, nesting. mungkin ada yang belum tahu apa itu 'nesting'? Nesting adalah peralatan masak yang fungsinya bisa juga sebagai peralatan makan dan biasa dipakai untuk kegiatan outdoor. Bentuknya kotak, umumnya ada kuping pegangan di kedua sisinya dan tersusun 3 – 4 rangkap layaknya rantang.

2. Sediakan beras dan air secukupnya
Terlebih dahulu, bersihkan beras yang akan dimasak dengan air. Beras yang telah bersih dimasukkan ke dalam nesting. Lalu, tambahkan air dalam takaran yang pas; tidak terlalu banyak, tidak juga terlalu sedikit. Prinsipnya, agar nanti nasinya tidak mentah, air yang dimasukkan harus lebih banyak dibanding saat kita masak nasi di rumah.

3. Memasak nasi, perhatikan tipsnya
Nyalakan kompor dan letakkan nesting di atas kompor. Aduk-aduk berasnya dan pastikan panas kompornya merata. Kemudian, tutuplah nesting dengan tutup nesting dan letakkan benda pemberat di atasnya. Pemberat berguna untuk menahan uap keluar agar tekanan udara di dalam nesting cepat meningkat. Disarankan untuk tidak terlalu sering membuka tutup nesting. Kira-kira setelah 30 menit, periksa kematangan nasinya

4. Setelah nasinya matang, hidangkan
Bila nasi telah dipastikan matang, matikan apinya dan biarkan tutup nesting terbuka. Aduk nasi dengan sendok agar uapnya mengepul sehingga nasi tidak 'basah'. Setelah beberapa saat, nasi pendakianmu kini siap disajikan untuk dinikmati bersama 'hidangan puncak gunung' lainnya.

Demikian tips singkat tentang bagaimana memasak nasi di gunung. Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan dapat digunakan dalam perjalanan berikutnya. Jika kamu punya tips menarik lainnya seputar mendaki gunung, jangan sungkan untuk dikirimkan agar nanti dapat dibagikan di website dan sosial media #Pendakicantik.

Kontributor: Siska Kusmayanti || Editor: Sriendra


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Porter Slamet, applications that must be installed if you often venture into the wild, Guide Sumbing Mountain
The outdoors, such as forests or mountains keep many dangers and mysteries in it. So, for nature lovers or scouts who often traveled around the outdoors such as camping or hiking the necessary tools that are intended for security or comfort. especially when being in a state of survival, we will be very helpful when a device - such as a compass and so on.

It is undeniable, technological progress has been spreading its influence into all areas, including in the field of outdoor adventure. Now a lot of very useful application when in the wild. The application can be alternative tools - which are quite expensive. Live search in playstore and download, we've been able application. The application is also not inferior to the truth. The following applications:

1. Clock
There is nothing wrong with the phone and if you do not already have this application. Yes, almost all mobile phones in the world in this era is here Smartphone apps wakturutama indicator of recruitment and appointment comes a time in the network that allows us to set the correct time.

2. GPS Essential
This application is all in one that shows a value like Compass, location, and many Others. This application is like a Swiss Army pocket knife has many uses.
Icon GPS Essentials
Icon GPS Essentials

Display Applications GPS Essentials
Display Applications GPS Essentials

3. Compass
As an alternative if you do not want to install GPS essentials, and only want to install applications that are lightweight and accurate compass.
Compass on the Play Store
Compass on the Play Store

4. Super Bright LED Flashlight
usually the native android apps already available to turn on the LED flashlight.
Icon Super Bright LED Flashlight
Icon Super Bright LED Flashlight

5. Red Cross - First Aid
A first aid application is very complete and easy to use. Application of PMI developed 3 Sided Cube
Icon Red Cross - First Aid
Icon Red Cross - First Aid

6. SAS Survival Guide
SAS survival guide There is a free version and a version berbayar.Berisi various survival skills from the basic to the advanced.

src = "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj0INeo08zarIJz8xUyTaRLQevx9Uu0NutCuerASppAMZbo-_do1olj4z-xb1hVL7__KYq9mmu5n2dzyUcJpGhqtRE_dc6jOEgde_Xoij6LTOKZMawu7TURlum5I1fQ5nBLWXLGPyYTKSo/s320/SAS+survival+guide+screenshoot_compress.jpg" title = "" border = "0" width = "213" height = "320"> The SAS Survival Guide Lite
Icon SAS Survival Guide
Icon SAS Survival Guide

7. Smart Thermometer
Shows a place or room temperature. The app requires Android that supports a temperature sensor. However, when we do not have a cell phone, do not fret just yet because it still can be used even in situations online.
Smart Display Thermometer
Smart Display Thermometer
Icon Smart Thermometer
Icon Smart Thermometer

8. Altimeter
app is useful for measuring the height of a point above sea level.
icon Altimeter
icon Altimeter

9. Anti Mosquito Prank
Bothered by mosquitoes while camping? Anti Mosquito Prank then is the solution. This application can repel mosquitoes by giving a voice so loud that ultrasound or daoat only heard a few animals such as mosquitoes, so that mosquitoes away ..
Display Applications Anti Mosquito Prank
Display Applications Anti Mosquito Prank

10. Sky Map
Sky Map can be used to identify the stars, planets, and so on. So, Skymap can be an indication of the wind direction when his night full of stars.
icon Skymap
icon Skymap
Appviews Skymap
Appviews Skymap

So first application. Sign up above applications do not all have to be installed, select the most useful create friend - friends. Welcome to Adventure!
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#porter #guide #pemandu #transport lokal #rinjani 3.726 mdpl #semeru 3.676 mdpl #slamet 3.428 mdpl #lawu 3.265 mdpl #merbabu 3.145 mdpl #sindoro 3.150 mdpl #gunungprau 2.565 mdpl #gunungsikunir #porterrinjani #portersemeru #porterargopuro #portermerbabu #porterlawu #porterslamet #portersumbing #portersindoro #kaosadventure #kaosbacpacker #backpackerindonesia #opentripsemeru #opentripmerbabu #opentripkarimunjawa #opentriprinjani #cikuray #gede #parango #gunungsalak #bromo #karimunjawa #guapindul #raftingsungaielo #raftingelo #raftingprogo #tangkubanperahu
nt" style="text-align: justify;"> #porter #guide #pemandu #transport lokal #rinjani 3.726 mdpl #semeru 3.676 mdpl #slamet 3.428 mdpl #lawu 3.265 mdpl #merbabu 3.145 mdpl #sindoro 3.150 mdpl #gunungprau 2.565 mdpl #gunungsikunir #porterrinjani #portersemeru #porterargopuro #portermerbabu #porterlawu #porterslamet #portersumbing #portersindoro #kaosadventure #kaosbacpacker #backpackerindonesia #opentripsemeru #opentripmerbabu #opentripkarimunjawa #opentriprinjani #cikuray #gede #parango #gunungsalak #bromo #karimunjawa #guapindul #raftingsungaielo #raftingelo #raftingprogo #tangkubanperahu

Porter Slamet, Aplikasi Android yang harus diinstal jika kamu sering berpetualang ke alam bebas, Guide Sumbing

Alam bebas seperti hutan atau gunung menyimpan berbagai bahaya dan misteri di dalamnya. Sehingga, bagi pecinta alam atau anggota pramuka yang sering berpetualang di alam bebas seperti berkemah atau mendaki gunung diperlukan berbagai alat yang ditujukan untuk keamanan atau kenyamanan. terutama apabila sedang dalam kondisi survival, kita akan sangat terbantu apabila memiliki alat – alat seperti kompas dan sebagainya.

Tak bisa dipungkiri, kemajuan teknologi sudah menyebarkan pengaruhnya ke segala bidang, termasuk dalam bidang petualangan alam bebas. Sekarang banyak aplikasi yang sangat berguna ketika di alam bebas. Aplikasi tersebut dapat menjadi alternative alat – alat yang cukup mahal. Tinggal cari di playstore dan download, kita sudah dapat aplikasinya. Aplikasi tersebut juga tidak kalah dengan alat yang sebenarnya. Berikut aplikasinya :

1. Clock
Ada yang salah dengan ponsel and ajika belum memiliki aplikasi ini. Ya, hampir semua ponsel di dunia di era sekarang ini sudah tersedia aplikasi penunjuk wakturutama Smartphone yang pengambilan dan penunjukkan waktunya berasal waktu pada jaringan tersebut yang memudahkan kita dalam mengatur waktu yang benar.

2. GPS Essential
Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi all in one yang menunjukkan nilai seperti Kompas, lokasi, dan banyak ainnya. Aplikasi ini seperti halnya pisau saku swiss army yang memiliki banyak kegunaan.
Icon GPS Essentials
Icon GPS Essentials

Tampilan Aplikasi GPS Essentials
Tampilan Aplikasi GPS Essentials

3. Compass
Sebagai alternative apabila tidak ingin menginstall GPS essentials, dan hanya ingin menginstall aplikasi kompas yang ringan serta akurat.
Compass di Play Store
Compass di Play Store

4. Super Bright LED Flashlight
Biasanya, sudah tersedia aplikasi bawaan android untuk menyalakan LED flashlight.
Icon Super Bright LED Flashlight
Icon Super Bright LED Flashlight

5. PMI - First Aid
Merupakan Aplikasi pertolongan pertama yang sangat lengkap dan mudah digunakan. Aplikasi dari PMI yang dikembangkan 3 Sided Cube
Icon PMI - First Aid
Icon PMI - First Aid

6. SAS Survival Guide
SAS survival guide terdapat versi gratis dan versi berbayar.Berisi berbagai keterampilan survival dari yang dasar hingga yang advanced.

src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj0INeo08zarIJz8xUyTaRLQevx9Uu0NutCuerASppAMZbo-_do1olj4z-xb1hVL7__KYq9mmu5n2dzyUcJpGhqtRE_dc6jOEgde_Xoij6LTOKZMawu7TURlum5I1fQ5nBLWXLGPyYTKSo/s320/SAS+survival+guide+screenshoot_compress.jpg" title="" border="0" width="213" height="320"> Tampilan SAS Survival Guide Lite
Icon SAS Survival Guide
Icon SAS Survival Guide

7. Smart Thermometer
Menunjukkan suhu suatu tempat atau ruangan. Aplikasi ini memerlukan android yang mendukung sensor suhu. Namun, apabila ponsel kita belum memilikinya, jangan berkecil hati dulu karena masih dapat menggunakan walaupun harus dalam keadaan online.
Tampilan Smart Thermometer
Tampilan Smart Thermometer

Icon Smart Thermometer
Icon Smart Thermometer

8. Altimeter
Aplikasi ini berguna untuk mengukur ketinggian suatu tempat dari permukaan air laut.
Icon Altimeter
Icon Altimeter

9. Anti Mosquito Prank
Terganggu dengan nyamuk saat berkemah ? maka Anti Mosquito Prank lah solusinya. Aplikasi ini dapat mengusir nyamuk dengan memberikan suara ultasonik atau sangat keras yang hanya daoat didengar beberapa hewan seperti nyamuk, sehingga nyamuk pun pergi..
Tampilan Aplikasi Anti Mosquito Prank
Tampilan Aplikasi Anti Mosquito Prank

10. Sky Map
Sky Map dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bintang, planet, dan sebagainya. Sehingga, Skymap dapat menjadi petunjuk arah mata angin dikala malam penuh dengan bintang.
Icon Skymap
Icon Skymap

Tampilan Aplikasi Skymap
Tampilan Aplikasi Skymap

Sekian dulu aplikasinya. Daftar aplikasi diatas tidak kesemuanya harus diinstall, pilih yang paling berguna buat teman – teman. Selamat Berpetualang !


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#porter #guide #pemandu #transport lokal #rinjani 3.726 mdpl #semeru 3.676 mdpl #slamet 3.428 mdpl #lawu 3.265 mdpl #merbabu 3.145 mdpl #sindoro 3.150 mdpl #gunungprau 2.565 mdpl #gunungsikunir #porterrinjani #portersemeru #porterargopuro #portermerbabu #porterlawu #porterslamet #portersumbing #portersindoro #kaosadventure #kaosbacpacker #backpackerindonesia #opentripsemeru #opentripmerbabu #opentripkarimunjawa #opentriprinjani #cikuray #gede #parango #gunungsalak #bromo #karimunjawa #guapindul #raftingsungaielo #raftingelo #raftingprogo #tangkubanperahu

Porter Mount Slamet, Trip and Mount Slamet info via Dipajaya 3428 meters above sea level, Pemalang, Guide Mount Slamet Slamet Mountain Guides

mountain survivors
Mount Slamet
Mount Slamet is the highest mountain in Central Java and is the second highest mountain in the island of Java after Mount Kilimanjaro. (Read also:  Toward Land Top Java )

 Mountains with an altitude of 3428 masl (meters above sea level) is also an active volcano. Crater crater IV is the last remaining active until now. Mount Slamet located in 5 districts, namely English, Banyumas, Pemalang, Tegal, and Brebes.Oleh Therefore, until now there are 7 trails towards Mount Slamet, namely:
1. Trailhead Via Bambangan, Purbalingga
2. Trailhead Via Dipajaya, Pemalang
3. Trailhead Via Baturraden, Banyumas
4. Trailhead Via Kaliwadas, Bradford
5. Trailhead via Guci, Tegal
6. Line ascent via Dukuhliwung, Workers
7. Trailhead via Kaligua, Brits

Bambangan path is the path of the most popular because it tends to be shorter than the path - the path of another, even though the terrain is fairly steep. However, we will not discuss here about the route bambangan, we'll go hiking Dipajaya. Actually, the climb Dhipajaya will also be met with lane after passing the post Bambangan 2. Later there will be clues such as pictures berikut.Jadi intersection, after passing through the intersection, the path will be a fellow with hiking Bambangan Purbalingga.

Slamet also famous track is quite challenging. This is because the water sources found only in post 5, so that we have sufficient water supplies. In addition, in the mountains or even survivors also rarely found a bonus in the form of a flat strip, the track continues to climb with the fog that can change at any - time.
climbing routes via Dipajaya
These climbing
Basecamp - Post 1
From Basecamp, climbing starts with a ride through the plantation population and the ranks of pine trees. The climb began to climb, the trail passes through the sometimes confusing between hiking and trail plantation residents. Up to heart - the heart and find guidance hiking trail is right when passing through the intersection. Usually installed in a tree big enough and easy to find. After passing through the ranks of pine trees, then the route will begin passing through various vegetation typical of mountain with trees - trees - great. Continued to climb uphill without bonus squares ample. In the Post 1 at an altitude of 1960 meters above sea level there is also no shelter.
Heading 1 - Heading 2
Post 1 Located at an altitude 1960 meters above sea level. Flat land with no shelter. However, cukupah to unwind after a long post 1. Furthermore, to the Post 2, the track was still not much different from the way to the post 2. With the tree - big and tall trees that can protect us from the sun. On a trip to the post 2, often also found a herd of monkeys hanging from a tree on a high - high.

Postal 2 - heading 3
Postal 2 at an altitude of 2080 meters above sea level. Heading 2 in the form of flat land with an area not far from the post 1. The journey to the post 3 little lighter, then passes the meeting point between the Gaza Strip via Bambangan with Dipajaya climb at an altitude of 2440 meters above sea level. Next, keep track heading uphill to reach the 3 - Pain.

Meeting Bambangan hiking and Dipajaya
Pos 3 - Pos 4
Heading 3 (Pine) at an altitude of 2465 meters above sea level, in the form of flat land is large enough. Trek through to the post 4 from many big trees with large roots are not lost. These roots can help or complicate the climbers. With a fixed path uphill, roots and branches that can be utilized for holding. However, there are also the roots and branches that block the path, so it is quite difficult climb. Pos 4 - Pos 5 

Heading 4 (Samarantu) at an altitude of 2635 meters above sea level. Known as the post anchor so rarely used for camping. Post samarantu believed to come from word ambiguous and ghost, which means ghost vague - vague or ghosts who like to disguise. The trip to the post 5 is not too far away, with many tracks like roots and branches on a trip to the post 4.
Heading 5 - 6 posts
Heading 5 (Spring) at an altitude of 2775 meters above sea level. In this form of land and there are ample water resources seasonally so often used for overnight hikers. Heading 5 in Shelter There are also providing a variety of food stalls. The trip to the post 6 is not too far from lush vegetation before.

Heading 6 - 7 posts
Heading 6 (Samyang Rangkah), in the form of flat land that is not too broad. Once past the post 6, would begin to open, we can see Pinang scattered in the evening and a wonderful view in the daylight origin shrouded in fog.
Heading 7 - Pos 9
Heading 7 (Samyang Jampang) is a favorite place for climbers to set up tents and campers. For post 7 in the form of ample land with adequate shelter and open. Thus, the landscape looks very beautiful. In addition, the post 7 also is not far away with a peak Slamet. The next track is heavier, we will be heading to the open field past the post 8 (Samyang Kendit) and then to the Post 9 (Pelawangan). Although quite heavy, but also very beautiful scenery with Edelweiss flower that is found if it is in blossom time.
Posts 9 (Pelawangan) - Puncak
Post 9 is the limit of vegetation marked by a red and white flag. The next track is heavier and very challenging. The route traveled quite steep with many rocks and gravel mixed with sand unstable. Thus, it is prone to slip and fall if not cautious and careful - the liver.

mountain summit attack survivors
Summit Attack !!!
sunrise mountain survivors
Sunrise Beauty of Mount Slamet
mountain cloud ocean peace
Ocean Clouds Mount Slamet
Slamet peak with an altitude of 3428 meters above sea often referred to as the peak Chairman, this nomination is said to honor climber named Chairman who slipped into the crater of Mount Slamet and died. From the top, it looks wide caldera called pirates fear. To reach the crater, we must sand down the field called the pirates fear. If the weather is fine, the survivors will be seen from the summit of Mount Mindoro, Mount Sumbing vessels, Mount Merbabu, and Mount Shinta.
The crater of Mount Slamet

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D72E559E / 7A722B86
#porter #guide #pemandu #transport lokal #rinjani 3.726 mdpl #semeru 3.676 mdpl #slamet 3.428 mdpl #lawu 3.265 mdpl #merbabu 3.145 mdpl #sindoro 3.150 mdpl #gunungprau 2.565 mdpl #gunungsikunir #porterrinjani #portersemeru #porterargopuro #portermerbabu #porterlawu #porterslamet #portersumbing #portersindoro #kaosadventure #kaosbacpacker #backpackerindonesia #opentripsemeru #opentripmerbabu #opentripkarimunjawa #opentriprinjani #cikuray #gede #parango #gunungsalak #bromo #karimunjawa #guapindul #raftingsungaielo #raftingelo #raftingprogo #tangkubanperahu

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