Porter Volcano, Want to climb the volcano? Read These Tips First

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Want to climb the volcano? Read These Tips First

Learn tips to climb the volcano, the mountain height of 2,622 meters above sea level (masl) located in Garut, West Java

Want to climb the volcano?  Read These Tips First 
These rocky climb to the contours of the land in the volcano, Java ( Tri Wahyu / Kompas.com )
Volcano in Garut, West Java, with an altitude of 2,622 meters above sea level (masl) can be an option where the climb.

Climbers from West Java and Jakarta can visit it on weekends hiking remember that not too long and not take a long time.

KompasTravel  last week, 20-21 February 2016 was up on the mountain that has golf edelweiss flower was named Tegal Alun. Here are tips to climb the volcano.

When departing from Jakarta and Bandung also nearby, things to consider is transportation. Climbers must first go to Terminal Guntur Garut to continue the journey to the mountains.

If you arrive early at Terminal Guntur Garut, options that can be used towards public transport minibus type fork Cisurupan Market. After that, transport used is the pickup.

Public transportation and pickup must first go to the full before those points. The price offered is Rp 20,000 per person.

Logistics climb
Food is something that needs to be prepared when hiking. If you want to climb the volcano, climbers can buy food at markets and stores Cisurupan near the market.

Try to keep buying nutritious side dishes for climbing energy capital even climbing posts are stalls offering food. In the stalls, simply provide snacks such as instant noodles, coffee, tea, and also fried.

Wear shoes
Sandals mountain can be an alternative when hiking footwear. However, it is suggested to use shoes that cover the ankle for more comfort and safety is maintained.

At the beginning of the ascent of the volcano, a variety of terrain encountered is the size of the slick boulders and sharp. In addition, some contoured lines loam. The use of shoes will protect your feet from the threat of scratches and also helps gripping the ground.

Use a mask
volcano is a mountain that is still active producing sulfur gas in the crater. When crossing the start of the climb to the summit crater of Camp David, there are sulfur gas that can be inhaled. Use a mask of cloth or  buff .

Avoid walking in the fog
One attraction of the volcano was photographed in the Forest of the Dead. The trees are dying due to a volcano eruption.

There, fog often down and obstruct the view points. Avoid walking in the fog while in the Forest of the Dead because it will be prone to hit the target as fog prevented and homogeneous field.

When climbing the volcano, no need to worry about lack of clean water and drinking water. If the lack of water, hikers can recharge in outposts like climbing Shoulders Crater Post, Post Junction Pondok Salada-Hoberhout, and Pondok Salada. If you want to buy, at these checkpoints also provide mineral water.

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