Curug Banyunibo dan Curug Pulosari Desa Wisata Krebet

 Gowes Ke Obyek Wisata 

Curug Banyunibo dan Curug Pulosari Desa Wisata Krebet

Obyek Wisata Curug Banyunibo dan Curug Pulosari berada di Dusun Krebokan Kulon, RT 02, RW 05, Desa Sendangsari, Kec. Pajangan, Kab. Bantul, DI Yogyakarta. Rute perjalanan bisa ditempuh menggunakan mobil, sepeda motor ataupun sepeda tentunya. Angkutan umum belum tersedia, Jangan juga menggunakan Bus... Ga bisa masuk ke lokasi.. 
Minggu 24 Maret Clubpon+ berduabelas berhasil sukses Gowes ke Curug Banyunibo. Oh, ya... berusaha kami cari lokasi tepat dari Curug Banyunibo di belum juga ketemu. Susah. Ga kliatan. Tapi alhamdulillah, titik titik awal menuju Curug Banyunibo sudah ada. Sebelumnya, Clubpon+ juga sudah ke Curug Pulosari. Berberapa, lupa :D
Rute ke Curug Banyunibo dan ke Curug Pulosari setidaknya bisa diambil 3 rute :
  • Dari perempatan Kantor Kelurahan Bangunjiwo, ke barat, menyusuri jalan aspal. Sambil Gowes, amati terus ya, sampai ketemu plang "Desa Wisata Krebet". 
  • Bila sudah ketemu, ikuti arah ke Krebet. (Ambil jalan ke kiri)
  • Susuri saja jalan naik turun sampai ketemu pertigaan jalan dengan pohon di tengah jalah. Ambil jalah arah ke kiri.
  • Sebentar lagi tanjakan habis kok, :)
  • Susuri terus sampai ketemu Patung Semar. Eh.. masih terus saja ya... 
  • Perhatikan di kiri jalan ada Kuburan. Nah diseberang kanan ada jalan conblok. Masuk jalan itu. Hati hati, ya... remnya di siapin...
  • Bila lurus terus mengikuti jalan conblok, goweser akan sampai ke Curug Pulosari.
  • Setelah perempatan pertama, lalu tanjakan kemudian ada pertigaan, ambil kiri. Susuri saja jalan tersebut, tapi akan lebih baik kalau bertanya ke warga arah ke Curug Banyunibo.
  • Dari Pertigaan Utara LP Pajangan, ke barat menyusuri tanjakan aspal lumayan panjang. Sampai ketemu Sekolah Dasar Beji di kiri jalan, eh perempatan jalan tepatnya. Di perempatan ambil jalan ke kanan, menyusuri jalan aspal. 
  • Susuri terus sampai ketemu kuburan di sebalah kanan jalan. Awas, kalau sudah sampai patung semar berarti kebablasen...
  • Di seberang jalan tepat sebelum kuburan ada jalan conblok. masuk jalan itu dan hati hati ya, remnya disiapin...
  • Bila lurus terus mengikuti jalan conblok, goweser akan sampai ke Curug Pulosari.
  • Setelah perempatan pertama, lalu tanjakan kemudian ada pertigaan, ambil kiri. Susuri saja jalan tersebut, tapi akan lebih baik kalau bertanya ke warga arah ke Curug Banyunibo.
  • Ini adalah rute minim tanjakan, tapi berbonus bau kandang ayam baik petelur maupun potong. Rute ini mengambil arah dari sebalah timur Kantor Kecamatan Pajangan tepatnya jalan Conblok disebelah timur Jembatan Kamijoro Sendang Sari Pajangan. Masuk ke utara, Susuri jalan tersebut, sambil tanya tanya ke warga, kemana arah ke Curug Banyunibo. Yang jelas ikuti saja, jangan ambil tanjakan ke kanan.. kecuali tanjakan ke lokasi Curug Banyunibo. 

sumber :

 COE Ke Tourism 

Waterfall Waterfall Banyunibo and Countryside Woodcraft Pulosari

Tourism Object Waterfall Banyunibo and unnamed waterfall located in the hamlet of West Krebo, RT 02, RW 05, Sendangsari village, district. Displays district. Bantul, Yogyakarta. Itineraries can be reached by car, motorcycle or bike course. Public transport is not available, do not also use the Bus ... Ga can go to the location .. 
Sunday, March 24, Clubpon + dodecagon success Gowes to Waterfall Banyunibo . Oh, yes ... we're trying to find the exact location of Waterfall Banyunibo in not been met. Sadly. Ga kliatan. But thank God, the starting point toward Niagara Banyunibo already exists. Previously, Clubpon + has also been to Niagara Pulosari . Berberapa, forgot: D
Banyunibo route to Niagara and Niagara Pulosari to be taken at least three routes:
  • From the intersection of Village Office Bangunjiwo, to the west, along an asphalt road. While COE, observe and hold ya, see the signpost "Countryside Woodcraft". 
  • When it is found, follow the directions to Krebet. (Take the road to the left)
  • Follow the road up and down to meet fork in the road with trees in the middle of the magazine. Download the magazine direction to the left.
  • Ramps discharged shortly why, :)
  • Follow continue to meet Statue Semar. Eh .. still kept ya ... 
  • Look at the left of the road there Graveyard. Nah Right across the street there Conblok. Login road. Be careful, yes ... the brakes in siapin ...
  • If you continue to follow the road straight Conblok, goweser will be up to the waterfall Pulosari.
  • After the first quarter, and then there is a fork in the ramp, take a left. Follow the road course, but it would be better to ask the locals for directions to Niagara Banyunibo.
  • North fork of LP Displays, to the west down the asphalt ramp to get in line. To meet Beji Elementary School in left the road, eh exact intersection. At the intersection take a right, up and down the pavement. 
  • Follow continue to meet the cemetery on the right path. Caution, when it comes to avoiding statue semar means ...
  • Across the street right before the cemetery was no way Conblok. Access road and hearts yes, they're prepared ...
  • If you continue to follow the road straight Conblok, goweser will be up to the waterfall Pulosari.
  • After the first quarter, and then there is a fork in the ramp, take a left. Follow the road course, but it would be better to ask the locals for directions to Niagara Banyunibo.
  • These are the minimal ramp, but berbonus smell good chicken coop laying and cutting. This route takes direction from east sebalah District Office Displays Conblok east side of the road rather Bridge Metese Jayadipa Displays . Sign up north, down the road, while the question asked to the citizens, where the direction of the waterfall Banyunibo. Which clearly follow it, do not take the ramp to the right .. except the ramp to the location of Niagara Banyunibo. 

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