Letusan Gunung Soputan

informasi dari PVMBG


Telah terjadi letusan G. Soputan pada 11 Februari 2015 pukul 07:29 WITA dengan ketinggian kolom asap berwarna kelabu tebal dan putih lk. 3500 m condong ke arah Tenggara. Penekanan mengenai peringatan dini telah disampaikan oleh PVMBG kemarin sore ke BPBD, Camat, maupun Bandara Sam Ratulangi.

DATA PENGAMATAN (11/02/2015 Pukul 06.00-12.00) :
Cerah berawan, angin lemah-sedang dari Baratlaut ke Tenggara.

Dari Pos Pengamatan di Silian, G. Soputan tampak jelas teramati hingga berkabut. Saat jelas, teramati emisi asap berwarna putih tipis hingga sedang dengan ketinggian lk. 400m condong ke arah Tenggara.

- 1 x Letusan
- 20 x Gempa Vulkanik Dalam
- 24 x Gempa Vulkanik Dangkal
- 19 x Hembusan Asap
- 24 x Guguran Lava
- Pada pukul 11:01-11:12 WITA terekam sinyal yang mengindikasikan masih adanya pendaki di sekitar G. Aesoput yang berjarak kurang dari 1.5 km dari Puncak G. Soputan

  1. Masyarakat tidak diperbolehkan beraktivitas di dalam radius 4 km dari puncak G.Soputan, serta sektoral ke arah barat-baratdaya sejauh 6.5 km.
  2. Dilarang melakukan pendakian ke puncak dan tidak melakukan aktivitas pada dan sekitar camping ground.
  3. Mewaspadai terjadinya ancaman banjir lahar, terutama pada sungai-sungai yang berhulu di sekitar lereng G. Soputan, seperti S. Ranowangko, S. Lawian, S. Popang dan Londola Kelewahu.
  4. Jika terjadi hujan abu, masyarakat dianjurkan menggunakan masker penutup hidung dan mulut, guna mengantisipasi terhadap gangguan saluran pernapasan.

sumber : https://www.facebook.com

information from PVMBG

EXPLOSION INFORMATION (02/11/2015) There has been an eruption of Mount Soputan on February 11, 2015 at 7:29 pm at the height of the column of gray smoke was thick and white lk. 3500 m leaning towards the East. Emphasis on early warning was delivered by PVMBG yesterday afternoon to agencies, district, and Sam Ratulangi Airport. DATA OBSERVATIONS (11/02/2015 At 06:00 to 12:00): Weather: Sunny cloudy, moderate wind from the Northwest ground-to-east. Visual: From the Observation Post in Silian, G. Talumpong apparent observed to foggy. When clear, white smoke emission was observed slight to moderate with a height lk. 400m leaning towards the East. Earthquake: - 1 x eruption - Volcanic Earthquake x 20 In - 24 x Earthquake Volcanic Shallow - 19 x Blowing Smoke - 24 x fallout Lava - At 11: 01-11: 12 pm, which indicates that the recorded signal G. climbers around the Aesoput which is less than 1.5 km from the summit of G. Talumpong
  1. People are not allowed to move in the radius of 4 km from the summit G.Soputan, as well as sectoral west-southwesterly direction as far as 6.5 km.
  2. Forbidden to climb to the top and do activities on and around the camping ground.
  3. Wary of the threat of lava floods, especially in the upper reaches of rivers around the slopes G. Talumpong, such as S. Ranowangko, S. Lawian, S. strut and Londola redundancy.
  4. If there is a rain of ash, people are encouraged to use a mask covering the nose and mouth, in order to anticipate the respiratory tract disorders.

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